My School nibandh | my school essay My school is very beautiful. I have many students in my school. I like my school very much. The staff of this school is working alone. So teachers are always enthusiastic to give us good knowledge. The school said that it is a mine of knowledge not to impart knowledge but more importantly to impart rites. .Many pearls are coming out from this mine of knowledge .Some children are starting to prove their existence .For that they never forget the memory of their school . My school is an all-round school where no student is treated differently as they get what they want in the school. A school named Vitthal was filled I lost my thirst and appetite while studying at school If there is a school, there will be building, ground, environment, students, I will not say much about it, but I will talk about how my school is better. These days there are many different thoughts about the school. Big building, big ground, lots of children means that many parents can't afford the fees of such schools, but send their children to such schools. A school is a school, whether there are any facilities or not, if there are things that happen to the students, then the school looks beautiful. In my school, parents also want to be young and go to school. Because our school's proximity to nature is attracting everyone. The following activities give scope to children's intelligence. Children are born in this school. As my school is very good, we never leave our mind. No matter how old we are, we still want to go to our school. But, will all the children come again? , Again the same noise and the same beat, will we ever meet again? This school is very popular .That is why we are here . Our school is so nice We will go to school everyday Such a school is very heavy for me.

My School nibandh |  my school essay

My school is very beautiful. I have many students in my school. I like my school very much.  The staff of this school is working alone.  So teachers are always enthusiastic to give us good knowledge.

The school said that it is a mine of knowledge not to impart knowledge but more importantly to impart rites.  .Many pearls are coming out from this mine of knowledge .Some children are starting to prove their existence .For that they never forget the memory of their school .

My school is an all-round school where no student is treated differently as they get what they want in the school.

A school named Vitthal was filled
I lost my thirst and appetite while studying at school

If there is a school, there will be building, ground, environment, students, I will not say much about it, but I will talk about how my school is better.

These days there are many different thoughts about the school. Big building, big ground, lots of children means that many parents can't afford the fees of such schools, but send their children to such schools.

A school is a school, whether there are any facilities or not, if there are things that happen to the students, then the school looks beautiful.

In my school, parents also want to be young and go to school.  Because our school's proximity to nature is attracting everyone. The following activities give scope to children's intelligence. Children are born in this school.

As my school is very good, we never leave our mind. No matter how old we are, we still want to go to our school. But, will all the children come again?  , Again the same noise and the same beat, will we ever meet again?  This school is very popular .That is why we are here .

Our school is so nice
We will go to school everyday

Such a school is very heavy for me.

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